Shiro Games
Release date:
April 13th
Regular Price:
$8.99/€9.99 |
After PC and Console, the Vikings of Shiro Games' popular strategy game Northgard are setting sail to Mobile! After years of tireless explorations, brave Vikings have discovered a new land filled with mystery, danger and riches: NORTHGARD. The boldest Northmen have set sail to explore and conquer these new shores, bring fame to their Clan and write history through conquest, trading, or devotion to the Gods. That is, if they can survive the dire Wolves and Undead Warriors roaming the land, befriend or defeat the giants, and survive the harshest winters ever witnessed in the North.
- Build your settlement on the newly discovered continent of Northgard
- Assign your vikings to various jobs (Farmer, Warrior, Sailor, Loremaster...)
- Manage your resources carefully and survive harsh winters and vicious foes
- Expand and discover new territory with unique strategic opportunities
- Achieve different victory conditions (Conquest, Fame, Lore, Trading...)
- Play against other Clans with different difficulty levels and personalities
- Includes the following major updates: Ragnarok and Relics
- The Clans of the Snake, Dragon and Kraken are available at $2.99/€2.99 each, or within the Scale Bundle at $6.99/€6.99
- The Clans of the Horse, Ox and Lynx are available at $2.99/€2.99 each, or within the Fur Bundle at $6.99/€6.99
- The Clans of the Squirrel and the Rat are available at $2.99/€2.99.
- New DLC: Hraesvelg, Clan of the Eagle. Hraesvelg do not need to occupy a large territory, for they will readily venture outside to gather resources.
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Based in Paris, Montpellier and Nancy, France, Playdigious is a publisher with in-house porting capacity working on high quality indie games on mobile, consoles and PC. The company was established in 2015 by Xavier Liard and Romain Tisserand, experienced entrepreneurs who previously founded DotEmu.
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Northgard Credits
Shiro Games
presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks