Survival is key. Northgard’s Clan of the Rat is available on mobile now!

Northgard’s Clan of the Rat is available on iOS and Android at €2.99/$2.99, along with the Kröwn and Daggers and Sword and Solace free updates!

Northgard’s Clan of the Rat is available on iOS and Android at €2.99/$2.99, along with the Kröwn and Daggers and Sword and Solace free updates!

Composed of outcasts and strays, Dodsvagr is specialized in survival and has not ime to feast or sleep. With dedicated fighters and workers, they are prepared to overcome the harshest of winters… at any cost.

northgard clan of the rat features


  • A new warmaiden: Eir. This merciless warrior uses the ways of the shaman to help the clan survive de deepest injuries. Some say she can also summon the terrible beasts of Helheim…

  • New unit mechanic: The Shaman Camp replaces the Healer Hut and trains Shamans able to fight and heal multiple units and allies even outside your territory.

  • New relic : Garm’s Incarnation. Brought back to life by a flame, it will relentlessly hunt for new victims as long as the pyre is ignited


Northgard Krowns and Daggers


  • Brand new Ui navigation: discover more contextual information, animation backgrounds for each clan, research filters, and more

  • Assess your skills with a new multiplayer ranking system

  • Revised military paths: choose the military path that best suits you earlier in the game and forge weapons at a smaller cost!



  • New neutral faction: Dwarves. Well known for their mining skills, they might give you access to resources if you gain their trust. But don’t try to cross them or you’ll regret it!

  • New rivalry system: Declare an enemy clan as your rival to gain bonuses and advantages!

  • New diplomacy screen: explore new interactions and get rewards or risk depending on how you deal with your neighbors.

  • New competitive events: claim new rewards against the other clans!